it was a stressful experience 意味

  • ストレスの多い体験だった


        stressful:    {形} : 緊張{きんちょう}の多い、緊張{きんちょう}を引き起こす、ストレスの多い、緊張{きんちょう}に満ちた、精神的{せいしんてき}に疲れる、(精神的{せいしんてき}な)重圧{じゅうあつ}になっている Being an air traffic controller is a very stressful job. 航空管制官はとても緊張の多い仕事だ。 -------------------
        getting stressful:    《be ~》(だんだん)疲れてくる、ストレスがたまってくる、(状況{じょうきょう}が)煮詰まってくる、ややこしくなってくる
        pretty stressful:    かなりストレスのたまる
        stressful circumstance:    ストレスの多い環境{かんきょう}
        stressful conversation with:    ~との気疲れする会話{かいわ}
        stressful days:    ストレスの多い[たまる]毎日{まいにち}[日々{ひび}]
        stressful event:    ストレスのたまる出来事{できごと}
        stressful job:    気の折れる仕事{しごと} It is a stressful job that takes extensive training to qualify for. それはストレスの多い仕事でその資格を得るには広範囲の訓練を必要とする。
        stressful occupation:    ストレスの多い職業{しょくぎょう}
        stressful place to be:    ストレスのたまる立場{たちば}
        stressful situation:    ストレスの多い状況{じょうきょう}
        stressful stimuli:    ストレス刺激{しげき}
        stressful task:    ストレスのたまる仕事{しごと}
        stressful time:    精神的{せいしんてき}に疲れる時間{じかん}
        stressful world:    ストレスの多い世界{せかい}


  1. "it was a small cessna and there was no copilot to take over the controls when the pilot had a heart attack" 意味
  2. "it was a small fire and they soon extinguished it" 意味
  3. "it was a sore tax upon her family" 意味
  4. "it was a stinging defeat for me personally" 意味
  5. "it was a strangely inappropriate remark, given the situation" 意味
  6. "it was a striking demonstration of the importance of advance planning" 意味
  7. "it was a stunt to provide publicity for their organization" 意味
  8. "it was a surprising feat for somebody of her age" 意味
  9. "it was a team effort" 意味
  10. "it was a stinging defeat for me personally" 意味
  11. "it was a strangely inappropriate remark, given the situation" 意味
  12. "it was a striking demonstration of the importance of advance planning" 意味
  13. "it was a stunt to provide publicity for their organization" 意味

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